Thank You Very Much :D! Thats What i tried to do, improve it based on the complaints and suggestions i got on V1. Thx :)
Yes,Train Maps Are Getting A Little Annoying,And Yes This Is A Train Map.But, I Love The Concept And Downloaded Every One I Could Find, And NONE...
Thank you, one smart person here and also, ive already started on improving spawns,Floor, and the layout of everything. although, it will be...
ok enough with the interlocking. i interlocked AS MUCH AS I COULD WITHOUT MAKING THE MAP SMALLER! PLz Stop complaining about interlocking and yes...
yeah i already changed that on mine and might swap them some time. and yes i know what interlocking is geeez i ran out of money so i couldnt...
If u read the post it says that i ran out of money
Yeah i know that now thx brute lol and yes the train is a warthog
I love This So Much But It is kinda open for me
very good layout but holy #@$% TOO MANY WEAPONS!!! And its very easy to get out of.VERY EASY
UR welcome :) but i did grenade jump out lol u might want to fix that and make a v2 that would be awsome :) Edit: and i think i fixed the train...
FINALLY!!! A DECENT looking train map!!! i love the concept but usually they are messy and small. THIS LOOKS GREAT! DL FOR SURE 5/5 WITHOUT even...
No i dont have any of the grav lift but it spawns on top of the double box and u have to arrange 4 weapon holders at the right angle and at the...
I love the layout of this except for the top floor, it is really good but it seems rushed. The floors are all crooked and the double boxes at the...
OK thx people but u should have read the first post >_> it said do not download that one cause it wasnt working but today i would have it working...
Ok Ppl I Must Have Messed Up The Spiinning Grav Lift Plz Do Not Download I Will Have The Working One Up Tommorrow
wait it works for me every time?! well since u deleted the other grav lifts it wont work for sure now but make sure u put ur grav lift at 180...
how does the wart hog copier work? wat is it?
totally and utterly awwssoommee but u really need to change somethings for sure!!! on the blue base u can actually get the active camo lol and u...
why spanx u