45 secs sound reasonable, look in the athestisitics (sp?) part of the forums and look around for a switch expert he/she could work on a design......
Road blocks that actualy block lolz. Not many pics, cant tell if it's a big or smalll puzzle map. But you didn't want to give secrets away, I'll...
Very nice, no need to expain this to a party. Simply load and play, its great that campers can't cheat out this one 4/5. DL'd
Yeah but people will still spam it even if it does nothing, so just stick with a sword. Only if you you could take all the amo off the sword then...
No but if there is a series where random mongooses fly through the sky in isolation and kill someone i'll submit my vid...
I just think of ideas write them down then forge away. Then i hope for the best ^^
Lolz thats no hacker just report him and kiss his ass goodbye (some people these days...)
Triple kill, sniper kill, killing spree. They sound cool once said and getting a headshot is satisfing as hell
Ah another puzzle map... These things make me through my controller off the wall (its got a chip in it since the last puzzle map...) Don't bet a...
Short but its a beta like you said, go ahead and make a full version ;) I'll download it.
Spooky... Interesting. Maps been downloaded, oh and your gametype link is broken....
Pst!! Put up a gametype and people might download it...
Hmm, never seen a map where those ships are put into any gameplay ^^ Usealy for "Hey guys look what i made. Too bad you can't play on it..."
Hmm a little bit open but i'm sure you can fix that. The needlers, i lol'd that Oh and the sniper thing, dont have to many of them... Too many...
Looks very nice ^^ The class idea is very good, dl'd
Lokks well interlocked, well planned out. The only problem would be the zombies getting out there cells... Think of an easier way for them to get...
Wow... A soccer game that actualy has a points sytem O_o Looks awesome! 5/5 This is so good it should be a threat to griffball! lol
Looks and feels similar to township... I try it and give feed back
You could ad socer balls for them... they can perform circus tricks or a good ol game of soccer...
I second that. Now i want ot make one.... Hmm ideas, ideas, ideas...