Sorry to hear that dude... Sad thing....
Yes, yes i have. I ain't proud of it. Lets just say i was sleepwalking and i was on the top of a bunk bed. Pretty painful O_o
I found a good solid idea for a zombie map and planning it noaw. I also finished halo ce campaign.
Poor guy, life has been ruined noaw....
Computer Games Designer OR a History Teacher XD I want to be a game designer more :lol:
I'm guessing this is for competive gametypes? Nice layout, looks like something i would play XD
Well firstly the map ain't out so how they going to now its size of the map and objects. Secondaly not many people use the designer, i see most...
Mini games eh? Don't realy know any... Try that tremors thingy. I hear thats good
I couldn't care less but since the demo will be sooner then go with that.
Never knew you could get to that snowy bit on the map. Very original ^^
Needs moar interlocking. My thought ^^
Ok, sorry then. On Topic: Halo Wars is going to be epic, i love the demo. Truly epic XD
You my sir click here. BL00d F1R3's videos on forging, very simple and easy to understand. Helped me a lot, check them out.
I'm up for testing. Pm me a time and date and i'm good ^^
I got told they come a week before Halo : ODST comes out. But thats pointless, if the maps are going to be ready when halo wars is realesed why...
This my favourite zombie custom games ever. I just knew this was going to be featured. 11/10 One problem about this if you don't know how the...
When does the mythic maps become aviable for those that didn't get the halo war limited edition?
Good to hear ^^ Well good luck with the rest of the map
Or better yet has more ^^ plus it creates a image of what to expect :happy:
I could also test ^^ Just pm me a time and i'll be there! But if you don't want to then ok