Just wanted to bump the topic but are you guys (people working on this map) getting the new maps soon? Will that any chance slow down this map's...
I would also give it a 9. It's amazing new way to experence the halo universe but not like the FPS's. None the less it's great and i'm getting it....
It's a amazing that island. Too bad for them ^^
Wow hes being swamped by requests.... Anyways, can you pick the golf club up and use it to play golf?
This is a contest don't think it would fit in a small thread like those. Btw you need a bit more detail on the contest like whens it due, etc....
I started playing online yesterday ^^ I suck at it.. its hard to get used to the controlls...
Not the most original map but still its forging is slick though ^^ Is the cages for the other dudes to watch while the two guys below rip each...
I'm also going to enter that contest XD any levels you guys recomend for taking of the pic?
I don't understand what you mean. Pls explain in more detail.
Exelent! Look like a map i would download. ^^
Real life party that is
No thanks... I'm going to a party instead ^^
You took that from IGN. But i still subscribed XD
I can't remember the last time i got spawned killed in halo but i guess team swat since yo spawn with your team.
Yeah some action shots of it XD Oh and do something with the kill ball ^^
I'm impressed. Nice asthetics, layout, playalbe too! Also it a playable infection mansion! Great job!
I hate this map. Why make a v2 if it was bad to start with! Too many custom games of these sick me.
For the covenent side, what your "spatan" is it the honor guard cause i think you can have more than 3 of them... or is it that 1 prophet? Edit:...
Pics have gone. Try using another image hoster. Google it and you find something ^^
That makes you proud? X_X