Man Blaze so many people hating on the grid lol. Well, I guess we can try and rectify that problem. Thank you Erupt, we wanted that to be the...
Man you never disappoint. This may be my favorite so far, I love the stance that you have him in. Also, that freaking DMR looks sick! Keep up the...
I love it timmy! I was so excited when I saw this preview, and now it is here for my viewing pleasure. Great work on this, you did an amazing job.
Mock this map turned out amazing! IMO this map incorporates two amazing maps, Headlong and Zanzibar. I would agree that it is more like headlong...
Orbis-DUCK NG Metropolis-MockKnizzle008
You know oddly enough I never did care for the multiplayer part of GOW. Yet, I have bought everyone just because the campaigns are always so...
See that is the problem though. On console it was never 32 players, it was only 24. If BF3 had 32 players, and I know that it does not, it would...
After watching the video it seems that they have tried to listen to fans, and fix some of the problems from MW2. That being said, I am not sold on...
I would say that out of all of these sirius caught my attention the most. From the pictures I am digging the height variations, and your use of...
So have any of you read anything about how they are going to implement jets on console? For PC it makes since, because there are 64 players, but...
Just a heads up in case you did not know, the mods have already said that if you post and tell a person their post is not up to standard that you...
You know a very long time ago I tried to build a map in the cave and failed miserably. Undoubtedly one of the hardest placed to forge in forge...
Is your xbox working now? Because I have not seen you on for awhile. Anyways, if you need any help with this just send me a message. I think it...
ahhh me like that suggestion! Thanks for the help Pac, I will take that into consideration!
You know ever since Halo 2 I have wondered why that is not an option. I can't imagine that it would be very hard to have a section where you can...
Thanks Gorilla and I have added you. I could always use a fresh pair of eyes to look around and tell me what they like/dislike about the map. This...
I know that I had a one of the 1st generations and it red ringed two years ago. Luckily the RROD warranty had not expired yet, so I was able to...
I guess I don't read enough about games, because the article that you supplied me says that it is a open beta? I was under the impression that you...
Overall I believe that it is fine the way it is. I think what makes forge so good is that it is simple. If you want to make a good map then you...
Headlong- Arguably the best 1 sided bomb and flag map of the halo franchise. (something Reach was lacking) Zanzibar- My second favorite 1 sided...