I would have to agree with the above posts. In its present state game-play will be very stagnant and linear; neither of which will result in a fun...
I thought this thread was all but dead, but I guess not. How did you come by it if i might ask? Also, thank you for the compliments. It has been...
I figured that was the case, considering they had to submit the beta to microsoft and sony a month ago. I just hope they are figuring the servers...
Was able to get a look around this today, and I have to say I really like the idea of Chill Out being symmetrical. Your overall layout seems...
Breeze By Sugar
HAHA...wow that was fast, I just posted that.
Bishop By: Blaze Achromatic By: Audience Will have to think of a third
Is the EOD robot in the beta? For some reason I thought that they were not including that in the beta
What?Why? I think it only took me like 15 min tops.
I mean I do not work for EA, so everything I say is purely speculation, but it really depends on how hard they work to open up more servers. I am...
It is EA so who knows. They are notorious for having these kinds of server problems. I remember when BC2 came out the game was almost unplayable...
HAHA I forgot today was thursday...I'm surprised they are not having trouble with the servers!!
I had the Closed beta by 10am Central standard time. I would expect the open beta to start within a few hours of that time.
Honestly, in BC2 I used a wide range of weapons depending on the situation. Anyways, does anyone know where you can officially report bugs in the...
Ya I figured it was a faction thing, but I honestly don't feel like the AK74M is equal to the M16A3. M16A3 has far better medium to long range,...
First of all Roo how did you make that overview? What kind of program did you use? Secondly how long did that take? There seems to be some much...
Thank you for not giving me Co-forge credit on this map, I was really only there for the initial start of the map and you deserve the credit!...
Pretty freaking sick, but it also has a lot of glitches. There are several places on the maps where you can go all the way under the map :(...
Did you just get your beta Key four hours ago? If so that really sucks, I was fortunate enough to get it about 12 hours ago.
I'm pretty sure you played Atlas' map eightball ;)