Ya I have had this problem before, it sucks when you loose a map. I'm not sure if this will work, but you could try to find the map in your recent...
Radeta by Tenshi Mirage by Eightball humm...I will have to think about a third.
What he said! Also, if you would like you can add me(Availablemoth)and I'm sure I can get some people to test your maps, as long as it is not a...
Hey man congrats on the win. This map really did deserve to be in the spotlight for awhile. Between the tact jumps, mulit-levels, many routes up...
First of all you could be a little more polite with your post, rather than just say change name. Use a little tact. Secondly, after I posted the...
You can add me if you like.(Availablemoth) Also could you give me a little bit better idea of what this map is? Asymmetrical/Symmetrical? Max...
Wow...that is all I can really say. You sir blow my mind away with everyone of your creations. The detail you put into this is crazy, when I saw...
Thanks man, I hope to have this released soon, but I still need more testing on 3v3. You will have to get a 2v2 on this with me sometime, cuz I...
So does this mean you are making the hallways just a tiny bit larger? like the width of two units? Because I know you can do it, I just went...
I can show you in forge sometime, it is the best place to build if you want better frame rate and even lighting.
Well, I hate to post again because it almost feels like a bump, but because you said if enough people ask then you will move it then I thought I...
ahh yes this map. I remember doing fairly well on this map, can't say the same for my partner lol. Anyways, I thought this map really had an...
Well, I finally was able to check your map out and noticed the changes. If I remember correctly you had a back room that you completely took out...
I agree with Tom, this map is pretty solid but could be so much more. I would take him up on his over, Tom is a very good forger with a good eye....
Would love to get some more games on this if you are still testing. I enjoyed the couple of games I played, but would not mind getting some more....
Do you know when the FHF winners are announced?
I love the location of this map. To be honest, I think I have only seen one map successfully tackle this portion of the map. I can not tell you...
To be honest I was a little surprised by the poll results. I never imagined I would see only 4 votes for a COD game, and 29 votes for BF. I...