Thanks you all who have commented on this map, but know our next map in the ancient map pack as came out it’s called Temple of Atlas and here is...
For those who would like to see the layout a little better before they DL the map here is the link to the Sketch Up. Here you can DL the model and...
Actually it took me about two days to make the Sketch Up of the map, but it was worth it.
Thanks for the comments Draw the Line. We didn’t want to put it in casual because it’s not really just an infection game, and I see casual games...
Here it is for all those who have been waiting. American10 and I have work on this map for about 1000 years just for you. The map is perfect as...
This map looks amazing! Even though I have never played this map, and my only experience of it are the screenshots that I’m looking at on my low...
You are somewhat right about the ruins. They are there to take up space, that’s only because we couldn’t leave it empty. You do us them...
Thanks, somewhat, I know what you mean when you say some like shield doors and others don’t. That’s why I put the shield doors on the two bases...
Like What? I would like to go though the map and fix everything people said could be improved. Just so I could have a version of Acropolis that...
What is up with everyone thinking here is no tunnels. If anything there are more tunnels than in Tunnel Rats 1 or 2. Also the Tunnels in Tunnel...
I’ve been staying up all night just to make a comment on this map, and it paid off. (First Post)
It’s finally done!!! Great job, worth waiting all this time for. No matter how many times I saw this map, I was still amazed by the care,...
In about 2 weeks
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Thanks HaloStriker. Next map is almost done
Thanks man
We would have but we ran out of items, and that was the next best thing to do.
Thanks, there is only one thing though. I can’t connect to live for some reason.