</3 ):
Wasn't just some noob. And his tag is that.
You cant get level locked... 38 going in alone.
Im accually thinking of using one of these three. Anymore suggestions?
Looks really nice, But the overview makes it look tiny. Inv me if you see me on.
Played this guy in doubles Get **** on YouTube - (HD) Fragtale - Halo 3 Montage - UNBELIEVABLE
fifth or sixth time its been posted..
Same lighting.. Same Style, Same Colour scheme. Its the same **** with a bunch of c4d thrown overtop IMO If you dont notice that, Were the ****...
You dont listen to anything we say, do you? Change Style NAO
Xbox buying you a new Girlfriend? Happs yo. Grats on the vehicle and stuff.
Most Definitly.
You added lighting on his arm..
I heard this song in a montage today. ****ing epic. YouTube - Little Weapon Lyrics video Coarse language...
Beyonce's video was better though... EDITB4FLAMED: Sure it was a huge **** move, but atleast Kanye had his facts straight..
Bland intro is bland... Ya need bettar text, Maybe a different colour choice, It seems to Basic, If your making an intro to a montage, you want...
fail. Thanks, Ill write those down. If you have anymoar, Pl0x post.
I was thinking of making a Gamebattles team, since I have a small team sorta. The only problem is i cant think of a team name..Everytime I think...
Semi Claw:[IMG] Full Claw:[IMG]
throwing a power drain at someone while there shoting you isnt an out BR. killing someone thats oneshot after they kill you isnt an out BR.
I hate BJ's with claws. I play Bumper Jumper Sensitivity 3-4 Semi/Full claw No Vibration