Alright, i should be on later tonight or tommorrow after school. Thanks again.
Add my main, iinoD. or if you add me within a few days, i couldprobably play on my booster.
I've beaten it already.. And the 3 meant the to be a 2..
blender the focal more, and create more depth. theres 2 IMO.
Yeah. self explanitory. Need the 3 vidmasters for odst, and the one on halo 3. the one with the iron skull. i forget the name. need 2-3 people...
vector brushes?
Can i use?
Omg this song is amazing. I love it, Such a meaning. His vocals are so good.
Lone wolves is nothing but kill stealing, and objective whoring. MLG isnt just "How good your BR is" or "how good you snipe" You have to use your...
But good signatures do..
Yes, Rabbit. I agree with you. I Hope Black was just fkin around.
Are you serious?
Raise the opacity, and create some more depth.
Move the text closer to the focal and away from the border.
Alright. 7+ me = 8.. I could try and make a 4v4-3v3 scrim this weekend. Also, Im going to make a GT. Probably "Doniis Scrims" or something...
lolol. Thanks. i like the lighting. :D
I'm going to be hosting some MLG Scrimages soon. I will probably do from about 2-8 a month. The reason being is I hate going into matchmaking(MLG)...
The orange?/purple gradient map looks boss.
Yeah.. First thing that came to my mind too.