ummm looks ok one looks way to open for my taste. maybe more stuff in the middle would be better
maybe u might want to put some more pictures in the post. then i might look at it
it looks pretty standard not worth a dl
looks ok not one i would download
Great Great map very clean and great interlocking I would play on this anyday
Nice Nice map i like the grav lifts and the center island thing. also great interlocking. very clean and looks great to play on : )
Great Map some of the best interlocking i have seen Everybody this is a must dl
looks great just like the others u must really like race maps : )
SWEET map like the 3rd jump i might dl tho
looks OK might dl
nice map like the bases worth a dl
sweet map great interlocking will dl
i would recommend cleaning it up a lil bit
Looks very cool will dl
how do u delete a map
its not
how do u do that
Sorry Hey guys im sorry posted this in the wrong section im truely sorry
one suggestion i would have is clean it up A LOT. it looks very sloppy and not a map i would play on.