Where's the Map?
This map looks really good. I would be such a good CTF or KoTh map. Great Map Idea! Will Download. 4.6/5
This post is not up to FH standards. Please visit the rules before posting your maps. Welcome to Forgehub!
One word... Wow! This map is awesome from its perfect interlocking to a great slayer map this is a great map. 4.8/5
hi and welcome to forgehub. This post is not up to FH standards. Please embed images and also give us a little info about the map. I would...
nice map. I really like the way u interlocked and the way u used those stairs for a bunch of reasons. The Map was very clean and deserves 5 stars....
Wow this map accually looks REALLY good. U gave us a lot of info and pictures on the map. That gave me a very good understanding. I also like the...
the map looks ok from those 3 pictures. Not really my taste tho sorry. 3/5
dude i think the map looks very good for a first post and i congradulate u on meeting FH standards on the first try. Great Job 4.6/5
its his first post he didnt know give him some slack
WOW. THIS MAP LOOKS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Great Interlocking. Great Weapon Placement. Great Map for any game type. Great Map everything. Everybody must...
dude this map looks really good, I like how u put the stairs in a arch. The Map looks very clean and the interlocking is some of the best ive...
cool, a map on cold storage. Looks interesting nice job
This accually looks really fun. I like that u did it on blackout, looks really clean. Nice Job. 4.6/5
nice job on the interlocking, but i would recommend cleaning it up a bit. Looks kind of sloppy to me. 3.8/5
Looks OK. I would recommend cleaning the map up a little bit. But nice try. 3/5
Nice interlocking on the hairpin turns. Looks like it took a lot of time. Great Job!! 4.5/5
U did a really good job on all of the maps. I credit u on creating maps on maps that not that many people use like high ground and guardian. Most...
this is a map thread not a random pic thead. Will report.
No Pics, no download