is it possible to put city by the sea back in ur fileshare?
what is bad about derper? it was the only name i could think off my head anyways. what do you think i could change and add? i have 4k left but i...
what unintresting? the bases, middle or them all? well maybe you can give me feedback on this map-...
[IMG] i know its not super original but its just a U shape design. the back way is blocked off to keep all flow in a U shape instead of an O....
this map looks sweet!! GT: Mister Arbiter i would love to test this wow i cant beleive that tube thing.. it just looks so great :D from the...
yeah my gold ran out a week ago but thanks guys ill try this screenshots still not showing up, does this take a while to upload?
hmmm. thanks i was not connected to xbox live at the time but yeah, the file share wont work with me for some reason
two banshees in that little room :S i would just keep it infantry for such a small place
i want to share my map here as a map preview but im currently using the free week of gold and cant upload pics to my fileshare :( anyway someone...
thanks.. im going to start out a test soon so ill be posting the map in an hour or two. thanks guys ;)
thanks, so i do not need team spawns for ctf? it can all be neutral?
just a simple U shape map but not sure how to work spawnpoints for good flow. unless theres a guide this would be great
i really, really want to play this.. think you could hit me up ? btw it looks as close as you can get to the real thing other then maybe changing...
that looks really nice i love the layout but i cant really say much else with 1 picture also any idea why i get modded everytime i comment on a...
i like your tut for drop pods on youtube.. intresting i saw you here
looking at maps like these and other projects on here makes me wish i could be better at forge very nice
i think if you changed cement with the normal grass it would look a lot better in my opinion. but it looks really well made only if u could make...
why did bungie do that.. like whats the point
what are objects that I can make on my map that is forerunner style? I only have bases.