You've been with me for so long it's only natural, that they will assume you will be joining me again. It's not really that big of a deal and I...
Even tough I'm not much of a Forger, the first thing I will do is start up Forge to see what new and at which case I'll probably be so happy that...
Definitely not natural... Though how exactly do you die in the game? Because as long as I've been playing it I haven't died at all.
I've been playing it a lot recently but I seemed to have ran into a problem... Someone wants me to take over the server since he can't ;eave his...
Indeed... I can't find the post/video but it has been confirmed and Halo: Reach will have Forge mode along with the other extras you have in Halo 3.
I loaded up a save right before the final mission yesterday and made sure I kept Mordin in my squad as to make sure he doesn't die. Like I said, I...
I was one of them... I might try to load this up and see how it is and then if it's good I may have just found my next drug during the time when I...
Finished the game yesterday with only one of my squad member dead which isn't to bad considering what I've been hearing. Though, I know I can do...
It's K dude, I already messaged Chrsthrbrnnn and got our schedule edited into the front page. I just been playing a bunch of Mass Effect 2 that I...
Wait, PM's? I was only supposed to send one but I kept on getting those database errors so I stopped trying to send it and just left a visitor...
"I'm thinking about making a Nagato vs. Asakura (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) gametype, after seeing this little blurb. Though, the bad...
Beats me... Just said you deleted the comment and I was wondering if you had something to say. It doesn't matter if it isn't anything important. I...
Don't know, Said the message was left yesterday so I'm not sure. I've been playing Mass Effect 2 recently so I'm not on as much as I used to be.
You left a comment on my profile? Anything you would like to say?
Thehehe... I guess I must be a Facebook ***** also if I often do the same thing.
*Poke* You little Facebook *****, I see through your little pokes.
Unless maybe it is put in spoiler tags, then it's all okay in my opinion. Although with my curiosity I'll end up finding out half of the story...
I thought I also heard from a video or something that there will be multiple sex scenes in the campaign so wouldn't that also mean Ashley will...