I was a member of it but someone who also liked the Anime created the group. I just uploaded pictures to it. Sadly it was deleted awhile back due...
I miss all those good times staying on for hours talking to so many people I knew on the game and on the forums. That's where I became friends...
I call all his money then! When your building a Hub Pub v2 in the game and it costs like 50 forge bucks a tile you need all the money you can...
One thing the video missed out on was the fact after you was done watching and and everyone else was done too; Bungie managed to get 50 million...
My house was like the second largest house next to your guild house, except I was trying to create a second Hub Pub of sorts and it was just epic....
Thanks, I also like your avatar... Fits with the style I like. Anyways, Mio was the reason you started learning the bass? That's pretty awesome if...
Your not the only one who knows Japanese. I've been self teaching myself Japanese for 2 years now just from watching Anime and studying up in the...
Yeah, at first I didn't think I was going to like that much but after watching it something caught on and yeah now I like it too. After a little...
By all means... I'm always looking for a good Anime wallpaper that I can use.
Well, I don't know, does having 5 gigs of images just for wallpapers of Anime that I watch consider me a fan? Does having a special folder on my...
Maybe so, but every one knows that goes right out the door when talking about new Anime things. Any self respecting fan of Anime and calls...
By now he better be working on Chapter 2 of the game on like act 5 of it. If he isn't even done with act 5 by now then there must be some problems...
Oh, snap... That's also pretty epic and I guess I'll just have to add that to my ever growing internet wish-list that I have. Even though I have...
Wait, don't tell me you have the same SoS brigade necklace like I want on this page. If you do then I'm going to have to ask you to hand it over,...
I thought I liked Haruhi a bunch but I think you took it to a new level since like every time I look at your profile you got something new going...
I choose you! Go!
Oh, epic then... Thanks for the help, buddy.
Pssh, The one I like is the one you made for me awhile back... I may just have to use that one again since I doubt I'll ever get a Sig. Though,...
Or you could just wait until March 9th and get the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition which comes with all the little DLC you might be missing along...