Pssh... You should see my school... We only have one stereotype and pretty much everyone fits in it except for the select few that likes Anime. I...
Gasp! No Pink Floyd?!
Oh the choices, oh the possibility's... As for times for TGIF? I guess I might just start it when I get home from school since I'll be wanting...
Not when it's already been done and everybody can get Recon who tries hard enough for those Vidmaster Achievements.
I am so tempted by that bag... I need a good messenger bag anyway, I thought about buying one at MTAC but I didn't really see one that was all...
Sadly, the same can not be sad for Xbox Live... For you to upgrade your account to an adult account you have to be 18 years old. I know this...
Good news and bad news... Good news, I made it back from the convention after almost getting trapped in Nashville due to flooding. Bad news, I... Oh hi... Kthxbai...
This... That is all thank you... By the way, can we get this locked? I really don't see a whole point to having a thread such as this.
Forge Hub - View Profile: Kill 4 Silence I have a idea, since I was stalking the forum and I saw something against the rules how about I report...
Went to work/GameStop today to pre-order my Halo Reach Legendary Edition. I know it's a lot of money but I've decided that the realease date is...
NOT GOOD ENOUGH!... TSK, TSK, TSK!... DISHONOR YOUR FAMILY! *Shun* Nah, I'm kidding, thanks for trying though... I guess I'll just try to wait...
Will do...
Get Turtle Beach X11 headset if your looking for a pretty good price 360/computer headset. I have a Turtle Beach and it's awesome as **** knows...
This makes me kinda wonder... Even though this will be Bungie's last game and all what will Bungie/343 Industries get that is so special everyone...
Why are we even using Halo as a base for games? Yes, Halo is a great game but really? What do they have in common besides both is a First person...
We agreed we would so I think it's best to at least try and if it fails then we can just do whatever and most likely talk about Anime until it's...
YouTube - Halo Reach - Official Carnage Carnival Trailer [HD] Didn't see anyone post this video up yet so I'm just going to leave this here....
Halo Reach is Bungie's last hurrah in the Halo universe, and they aren't saying goodbye without a lovely Limited Edition and one final,...
I also kinda think so... Oh well, when it does fail we can just do the normal thing we always do and talk about Anime without being in some...