very plain, very messy, no interlox, no screenshots showing base inside, very bland, and unsemmetrical (unlike you said), look in the back, there...
look in my sig, first link
haha, that looks cool, but next time you make one of these i suggest you use a canvas with all the original spawns still on somewhere and the...
ok, this is stupid, how are we supposed to know what the map looks like. Are you trying to be annoying and just trying to get your rank up, or is...
i hated that old game, no real skill needed at a certain point and people get like 75 kills on a turret. no teamwork or strategy needed, you just...
pls post pictures, look in my sig, first link, to find out how and i did make it through your text
look in my signature, first link
um, put the the disrciption and weapons in different columns. also, say how many of each weapon, ammo, and spawn time. also pls post pics of the...
that has got to be the tallest tower i have ever seen. I tis interesting that you made a game about killing from an idea from the bible. lol. but...
ok, add some pics of the map to your post, and make your overview pic like x10 bigger, pls, we dont like to have to have links <this is a link
read what he sais and you will realsie what you said is wrong
pls dont double post your maps, but this one does have more detail. good jub compared to the other guy, but i dont like the killballs, could be...
look at my first link
yes you can read it, but the map is a little bland, pls add more weapons, floors, and colourful objects. lights and those bricks with blue of red...
look in my fileshare to the first link
um... doesnt look bad, not too bad an idea, but what i would do to give people time is make the zombie start in a below room from where he...
no, he ment make another on the middle ground, not the crypt
um, pls add more ar's, carbinbe's, the such and other weapons that arent just power weapons. that would make it more fair. also tell how many...
pls tell us the weapons on the map and how many, also, make an aireal view shot some action shots too pls
if god doesnt exist, how do people live when science sais they should be dead a long time ago just to see a specific person again or see do what...