Looks great! I want to have a game of this with someone, I have no friends on Live. PM the gamertag Your Mate Snipy right now if you want to have...
Lol! Epic. That is frikken EPIC! The police men and that hard nut! W00t! AWESOME! I nearly wet myself. Actually... <Runs To Toilet>
My gosh, I am so sorry for you. I live in England, and I am half Scottish. I have a friend who's mum and dad split up. They never got on with one...
They're good. Maybe you should edit them with gimp or some crap like that.
... unoriginal. Sorry. One look is all it takes to know this is unoriginal. How about someone makes battleships on a different map for once, eh?
Thats VERY original, isn't it now? *smirk of sarcasm* I still think it's sweet and that your a royal suck-up. :) jk.
I think it looks quite good, but it could have been EVEN smaller. With slopes, geo-merging, tele-writing your map would be the god of all small...
May the wewtage be with you? Looks like a fairly fun/unoriginal map. Maybe you should give the arena two levels, that'd rock!
Looks MINT. I gotta play this with you sometime - MY XBL gamertag is Your Mate Snipy.
Talking about your sig? It looks good. Well done.
I'll be watching that this weekend. Cant wait!
I feal really stupid.. but... Whats A Paradox.
Teach me how to make sigs -.- I'll have it, pop my name on it and muahaha! I mean, I will say thankyou. EDIT: By the way, I really am not...
Looks bloody awesome! I really love the teleporter star thing, it looks really arty. Could you explain some gameplay and give a few tips of where...
Sounds useful. But really, most of it is luck. If you are paired up with some colonels, and your partner is like a lieutenant grade 1 then the...
Looks more rounded than other space ships already made.. I like it. It's different. It's fair. It looks a grand. Only thing is I think maybe you...
Looks awesome! I like the interlocking you used, it came out really well. From the screenshots, I don't see a way up to the second floor? Would be...
This looks ok, were some of the walls meant to be wonkey? Sorry, but when someone puts MLG on the front of their map, people expect complete...
Firebombs arn't meant to be. If you get rid of them, add plasma grenades, they're good.
Hey, it looks good. Only I don't think that anyone will be in a good mood after a game on a map with firebomb grenades. Maybe remove them. ATM it...