Nice pics, but try to make black less prominent in the second picture. Otherwise nice collection!
Wow you don't joke around when it comes to aesthetics do you? I just saw your map DuneScape and I was amazed. But now that I see this I think you...
OMG epicmapzors! Dude this looks so beautifully crafted, I don't know how it plays, but based on aesthetics it looks amazing. Well done.
I'd be willing to do this, are you gonna send me a friend request or something?
Yah, now that you mention it, that makes sense, Bungie wouldn't do that type of bone head thing. But you never know, Bungie is Bungie, they could...
OMG! Off topic but I live in Honolulu, Hawaii too!!! Well back on topic, uh, Forgehubs cool :l
You have to consider line of sight. Line of sight is basically the overview of the map from one spot. Like if the line of site of a sniper tower...
Pretty sure it's a sword on a weapon holder...
Wait do you do any video editing or gaming? Or do you want the laptop just for searching the web.
Is it a Mac?
Looks like a skull to me, unless Bungie put a random abnormal figure on top of the crane for no apparent reason. But who knows, it could be anything.
I don't know though, like x Encounter x said, I would much rather play on a nice, scenic Bungie map than a sand-ridden, forged map where the...
To me, Citadel looks like a very tactical map, kinda like Orbital because lots of enclosed, CQB spaces. Can't wait for the new maps though.
Different types of knives would be interesting. Like a dagger, a poison-tipped knife, a butter knife, etc.
Jeez I didn't even notice this was going on! I was sick in bed the whole day and the days leading up to it, I wish I was able to play!
Yes I'd love to play. Add me: V ii r t B R. Unfortunately can't get on right now but I will be on on Friday and the rest of the weekend.
Yeah I have to admit we have one of the best Halo 3 gaming communities out right now.
Ok I'm sick and tired of teammates that suck and yell at me for taking the sniper rifle. If you want to play some friendly MLG, add me on Xbox...
Hey I'd like to join. I'm a seasoned veteran, played in the MLG circuit for a little while before traveling to the mainland from Hawaii was too...
Ok man I'll add you. I have lots of experience but my account is now new I made my gamertag yesterday because my old one got hacked. So send a...