****! I just wrote an epic intro to my map preview for Villain and when I went to add an img it f'd up and I hit backspace and the page went to...
Hero's do fall though. ;P
But now a days we Hail the Villain. ;)
Ah, yeah, that would have helped. --Well after view that list there... I'll replace my "jetpack" with the "dropshield"... ;P
I'm totally making a map called "villain" for the 2v2... >;P
holyfreakinbajesusbatman If I wasn't so tired (and resting my head on a pillow) I think my jaw would have dropped... seriously guys, this map...
omg, u only need 1 moar feature! :o
'Bout god damn time this got featured. Such an awesome map. Really glad with the final product guys... and if anyone HASN'T played it, then shame...
ohai noob!
<3 u 2. I'm just too pro at ending threads. ;P Also, I <3 that pic.
I pretty much agree with what pegasi said here (even the part about owning tsb and squid!) lol. I did however wanted to add that people...
^-That was taken care of. The kill-zone covers the flat part. IMO, it'd be too strong if it didn't.
Good, just got done posting a map. ;)
[IMG] presents [IMG] Map Briefing Ok, seriously though, this IS a map that we DID make. Don't mind that cool picture of all...
ohai gai
I think a simple frame will do.
hey, you should resize/edit the imgs that I took for Hammerhead Valley...
D: Oh well I guess. Notice our forge group? :D
btw, how's that one map coming... you know the one I'm talking about...