Bungie.net : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots
You should totally have me as the next community spotlight. ;D
I meant 30th, not 23rd. lol
Oi, just so you know, you put the 16th and not the 23rd... just so you know.
Want to get on and trade?
AW damn. D:
Of course.
Lol! I remember checking this out one late night... I think I might've been half-way-drunk as well... >.> But for the life of me I couldn't put...
No problem.
Yeah, not all yours. Still kind of sucked. lol, oh well. Yeah, now all we can hope for is Artisan rank. We should become green like shad0w. ;D
I did, pretty much, but still, upsets me that I never got credit for designing Alizarin. :\
Right now? Nothing much... basically just; Emboar at lvl 54 Seismitoad at lvl 51 Beartic at lvl 50 and a Galvantula at a lvl 54. I was using two...
lol. well, at least we have one pokemon in common. Galvantula ftw! 'cept mines at 54. ;P
Same and same. I got the "black pokemon DSi" though. ;D ANYWHO! What is your team like atm?
Woot! I assume you've beat the game and stuff already. Do you have Black or White?
Ha. Good luck with that.
Cool story. Mines is: 4341 2056 7491
We need to post Grindhouse so you can become green. lul.
So wait, if you're no longer staff... does that mean someone else will be judging the maps for the 2v2 throwdown? :O