Not really. **** happens like that man. Don't lose faith though. Everything will work out... even if we don't understand it and want it to be...
Just, kind of how I went about handling it... I feel that I did the wrong thing... but I also feel because of that... she'll be happy... it's just...
I did... and that was... lets just say it was a mistake that made **** worse.
yeah. **** has happen... and what not.
Yeah. Thanks yoyo. That's pretty much how I feel. Which, because of that, when ever I do vent and get "help" --it doesn't really help at all....
Sort of. But not fully. I rather not go into it. I don't really like that I even mentioned it in this thread. but oh well.
I agree zombie.
When a girl tells you they care about you, but is with another man and doesn't want to leave that man even though that man treats her poorly.
On FB though, I rather do it there.
I will. ;)
*sigh* I wish I could talk to you about what's going on in my life right now, I think you'd be able to help me out actually... that and I wish we...
lol, its k. I'm back.
I feel ya' man. I'll be going back to work next week. (basically had a two-week vaca') So it's all good.
your zombie killing skills are needed in L4D2. I'm getting tired of stupid people.
'chu betta.
khaos ftw.
I prefer calling you BJ ... OJ is just... so... meh.
Jesus dude, we've got 74 pages of conversation.
I noticed. :P