Nice interlocking 5/5
You see it playing competitive gameplay best? Well, that's no wonder.
Forgehub. More focus should be put on map design than on aesthetics. Don't get me wrong, though. It looks nice enough.
This is a nice Commons remake? Are Unoverated and Seven getting any credits!
You know what you said on THC about wanting constructive feedback and not blind praise for aesthetics? I find it funny that you were all happy...
Lol. 4chub. [IMG] Outer route is broken. Fix. All previous posts in this thread violate the forum rules.
Yeah, I know mate. Haven't got one.
I never got your friend request. Not much I can do.
Blak. OP: Clever, funny and well made. Best Halo video of all time.
1600 ms points
What is this ****ing Commons remake?
Just makes it even more stupid. I like it.
How do you expect me to notice your messages if I've left forgehub, you dimwitted goof.
No. I can add you on steam though.
Ok, I have left forgehub.
I', not making anything cool as far as Halo goes, neither is anyone else, because Halo 4 sucks. I never left forgehub.
Drop your balls. You know of two manga franchises, not everything Japanese.
Dyb. It's for people complaining about my connection.
Dyb, no. Your computer able to handle any heavy games whatsoever, or is it meant for office chores and web surfing solely?