TLDR: Josh Holmes still needs to be fired.
I like the Pulsekiller 4x4 corner.
Tactial shooters with slow movement, like Halo and CS are perfectly fine at 90 degrees because focus on a single point at a time is more...
I hate Greenskull with a fiery passion, and all his idiot fans along with him. Them being taken seriously is the reason pre patch Halo Reach, Halo...
*Koth koth* sarcasm *koth koth* Why is there always the one bloke making this with every new release of a Halo game?
Bring back the Reach brace large, Bungie.
Cheeky bastard.
Today I discovered, to my great delight, that I'm not banned on this forum.
Oh, you're one of those optimists, are you? I'd certainly recommend CS, and also the classic shell mod or add-on or whatever for Win8. Makes it...
nah, I don't lurk. Nearly every single time I've gone on here the last half year I've posted something, which goes to show how seldom and little...
what are you on about?
I'm sure noone would mind anyone doing anything to this "Hutler" of yours. Somebody tell OVR to drop his balls. People's christian, overly...
I think, frankly, that it's counter productive to rethorically reduce people who say sensible things to jerks, because, in the end, it will...
You have an issue with meaningless feedback being called a joke and halo being called ****? And who added this profanity filter?
I played Halo 4 recently? I'll make sure to get myself fastened tightly to my bed before sleeping henceforth.
Replacing the objects making up the walls is the most substantial suggestion you can come up with? What a joke. How about "give the map height...
Wenn ich dich wäre würde ich mich nicht darüber kümmern, diese webseite zu benützen verzuchen. Es ist schon so etwa ganz tot und alle die...
I have no gripe with you, and the chances of me actually 1v1ing anyone are nonexistant. I don't even have an Xbox. I take the piss and I don't...
The pinnacle of feedback quality on Forgehub: "Better aesthetics wouldn't hurt as well." How helpful. And it's called "either", not "as well"....
He used too many blocks and should improve the aesthetics. This is ridiculous.