The trick was every once in a while lightning will strike making every brighter, that helped alot for this.
I haz a few to show you soon.
Yeah I will I'm thinking of doing it on nightfall.
Wow these screenshots are really nice I know that tric to I hope we work with each other soon.
I don't have a phone why I'm poor will I get one soon? Nope... so getting the app is out of the question.
Thanks, I'm new to forging and this helped alot.
Two hours ago, custom games.
This sounds awsome thanks for informing!
This is one of the best infection maps I've played, but for some reasone whenever I play with people the humans never live long enough for the...
I got it to work. :D
It's probably way to late for this but here's my GT: Wort wort 117 P.S. I love all those screen shots you make, Im hoping to find the secret to...
I do 8 it fits my style well.
It looks awsome sauce.
Wort, wort, wort.