How was mine unhelpful? lol it was like a whole paragraph... oh well and me and only one other person got an infraction when mine was alot better...
Hey everyone give me some credit here! lol... I made almost half of the map lol... also give credit to the people who helped like Spectac and...
it was pretty funny lol I accidentally double posted somehow so I tried to delete them but instead of deleteing them it did that lol
haha well thanks... but Yeah Kona and me had to use the money glitch and we reached the object limit and had to be careful about what we used......
It's not me but yeah I know... I bet it was for a "spam post" becuase it was so short lol
Haha you got an infraction.... lol i'm probably going to get banned soon for my computer screwing up... I posted 10 times on ascent...
Yes the DL link AT THE BOTTOM is broken... I noticed it too... but the DL link at the very top works just fine... This map looks pretty good You...
lol very nice argument there geniouses lol jk... Flair he does have a point becuase all race maps are starting to basically become the same. But...
omg wow this is amazing... It looks like an almost perfect remake.. I say almost because it is impossible for anything to be perfet besides Jesus...
noes!!! Tey nedz m4d interl0ckzorz!!!!! lol They due to be smooth and also this is not double wide the Whole time lol It is most but still......
This map does look like it would be fun for a little but not after like 10 min or so lol... It doesn't have any banks or anything like that but...
well thank you lol... After my and konakid's map is out soon I'm going to start a new race map on sandbox... anyone have any ideas or anything...
haha longer? This is almost as long I think zevox is the longest right now... but the official longest racetrack will be out within a few days......
Hey man this looks like a really nice race map it follows all of the "rules" lol... The banks looks smooth and quite fun and it looks...
This map looks really cool.. The first pic I was the wtf this thing is tiny! but then I was all like zomg haxorz lol... It looks complicated but...
looks like a pretty good map... the only thing i'm confused about... Ummm why is the description in a different language when all your others are...
This is ok parts of it are really hard but my main point is that it is not a racetrack becuase racetracks are double wide so 8 mongooses can race...
The track design looks cool and the forging looks pretty good but I'm not a fan of ghost racing... it should be mongoose racing becuase they take...
how the heck did this of all the racetracks on sandbox get featured???? I don't get it... My track and definetly back burner are better and this...
omg lol that is vicious... and dito lolololololol... but The red like through his name... does that mean he got removed / banned ? =)