I never thought about it as the most compact but I guess you're right lol.. and yes they take forever which is the only part I don't like, and all...
That is a pretty good idea there... quite a bit of scenery and what looks like some nice jumps... Not any bank turns though =( but oh well The...
when you're done i'll get to see the pics better then lol becuase they are still small so I'm guessing you like just posted it... But from what I...
There really is nothing special now lol weve basically done everything... The only things I know of that could be new are being tried and tweaked...
wow this looks really nice and a good layout yet origional and it looks fun to play on unfortunately I can't play on it becuase I hae RROD... oh...
Hey buddy lol I saw this and I ws like sniper king! lol but this map looks pretty nice The center structure is really creative and looks cool... I...
Yeah I think everyone would like a racetrack playlist as either social or a once a month double exp becuase I would pwn lol... It would be tons of...
Alright i'll say a few things on this from the pics becuase I will be without my x box for around a month becuase I got the red rings of death...
Yes if you can't tell from the more recent maps they are very long and we used up almost every object we could use and we had to money glitch the...
looks like a pretty good rocket race map man but unfortunatly yesterday later in the day my x box gave the the deadly 3 rings of death and I will...
that's very interesting lol... oh and I saw the map but wasn't it already made on foundry... i don't see the difference lol
Very nice map it looks really well done and fun to play on... The temple looks pretty sick too and it will be alot of fun going for that sword and...
Very nicely done there man it looks really smooth and looks uncheatable and is double wide the whole way which is better than alot of the maps...
well yeah lol i didn't know you were on it lol
Yeah I know what you mean about drop down starts lol... I loved this map and it was great for battletrack / lasers... except for the fact that...
This map is pretty cool I played on it and raced around ten laps on it with my guest... my guest said that the curby road part was bumpy but It...
This looks good for a first race map but nothing looks interlocked and the turns look quite sloppy and probably aren't the best to ride on because...
This map looks pretty sweet man it looks smooth and nicely interlocked and double wide the whole way lol... The split part looks pretty cool too....
lol don't go all crazy on each other now I didn't mean to start a fight or anything here XD but now that I have played some games on this It...
now that I have seen the map some parts are pretty fun but other parts don't work well... such as the turn right before the big jump where I...