This looks like a pretty good track... The turns looks well made and it looks pretty fun, although I would have to race it before I say much on...
it looks ok.... the interlocking/ merging don't look very good at all but don't worry you will get better This looks like an interesting idea...
I plan on having a jump in the next one it already has a smooth drift bank and 2 HUGE hills in it... The jump won't be huge but i'm going to try...
i'll try to get a custom game with like 3v3 or 4v4 in to test the spawns and everything but like the first person said i'm kind of worried about...
yes you should use that it will help... and if you don't post pictures that are embedded then this thread will get locked and also no one wants to...
If you were going for simplistic good job there lol.... but as for origional this has been done alot of times with just ovals.... which are fun...
You should probably play it then lol becuase when I played it with him while he was creating it the main fighting was going on near the top of the...
Hey borg my buddy lol... I remember playtesting this with you like over a month ago and you finally posted it! I loved playing on this map it was...
I actually don't like this map to be honest.... I've liked your other maps alot more... this only has one banked turn which isn't even much of a...
cool man looks awesome I can't wait to try it out I always love the new tracks that are good =) It looks like alot of different types of banks...
Your probably never going to get your "origional" becuase everything that works has been done or is being attemped and repeatedly failing like...
Hey he's entitled to his own opinion and he is cool just like almost everyone else that is out there. There are issues with this map such as a...
wow amazing for a first map! I remember my first sucked like horribly lol. The interlocking looks decent and the whole thing looks double wide......
looks pretty cool goldman i'll be sure to check it out when I get a chance =) As always the interlocking looks really good although I've grown...
you have this posted in the wrong section it definetly isn't a racetrack you should get a mod to move this to the mini game section
Hey! Hi Drew lol but I'm just going to let you know that if you make posts like that that are super short your going to get alot of infractions...
looks like a great map and as for the guy who said there is only 1 tunnel I'm very sure there are 3 looks closely at different pictures... in the...
wow another map I now can't wait to check out although I got a phone call yesterday and i'm supposed to finally get my xbox back after like 3...
well thanks =P I want my xbox back now... oh and me and my neighbor came second place in a CoD world at war tournament team doubles thing at our...
i'll be sure to check it out =P once I go to my friends house lol