Wow this is interesting lol... I love mahem and explosions so this map looks interesting.... but 2 turrets on each side? that seems like a little...
The easiest way to float objects is to hold them where you want them in mid air.... the save and end the game... it will be floating where you...
I've seen this map a while ago and i'm going to re DL just to make sure I have the right one...... but this track is really smooth and fun and...
entertainment hah...... ummmm lol First off this is going to most likely get deleted since it is not finished it should be in the forge...
yup I raced it alone to see how it worked out.... I don't like the jump... like every time they flipped me so alot of a race on this track would...
haha drew you kind of half to post more than a sentence lolololol..... anyways I'm going to DL this and try it out... a few things that worry...
WWWWWWWHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTT??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol... ummmmm I'm confused..... the reason they are...
Wow great forging and I use the teleporter thing too when i'm forging in the sky bubble..... oh and you might want to change the name to something...
you spell it techniques.... lol Yes you might want to learn some techniques before you make another track... everyone starts out bad so don't...
Yeah the screenshots all failed you might want to fix them.... there is a help thread on how to embed pics and you can do it either from...
Yes the geomerging is sick nasty lol.... I can't wait to try this out it looks like a good map... hope it plays well =)
major lol win..... anyways I wouldn't say this is a racetracks but these things are amusing... I will try what fishfingers did with the...
I can't wait to try this map out tomorrow to see what it is like... and the power plant thingy erupts? I think I saw that in a comment... if it...
I know fear he forges liek 6 maps at a time and is a BEAST at geomerging... he can geomerge like anything lol... He said he didn't feel like...
This looks like a really asthetic map... It looks really well made and quite fun to play on... one of my concerns is that is would be too open...
I'm not going to lie this map looks godly I truly think this should be featured.... it is superb forging and the gameplay looks awesome and they...
oh and if you send me a FR make sure to say how you know me otherwise it will probably get deleted =P
yeah i'll most likely be in it.. I don't think I can go to my friends graduation party so i'll be in it... send me a FR so I can get in it! =)
This looks like a really good map... I can see where there might be some bumps but I would have to play it later today to see for sure... i've...
wow most people don't look at the racetrack section do they lol... there are alot of great track made by many different people you just have to...