That's pretty sweet this is definetly an amazing remake... I haven't played halo CE much except on the computer but this map looks a little...
This map is really well forged I could find no bumps in it anywhere... the problem is... that all these turns are used to much and they get boring...
This looks like a pretty good map... I can see where there would be some bumps (one big time) and some other possible small bumps... looks like am...
what to say to that... hmmm... I had the exact same thing happen to me... and you know that i'm a really good driver lol... I almost always hit...
This map is really good... oh and everyone stop complaining about not being origional and not having asthetics... don't get me wrong the asthetics...
yeah this was alot of fun testing.... i'm basically going to say everything everyone else already said except that one guy lol.... and yes the...
I think this is your second best map in my opinion... I loved oxidity or whatever it is called lol... but this is still a really good map... a few...
hay man really nice looking map.... I don't think i've seen you before... (I haven't been active much lately alot to do but yeah) ... haha.... I...
hhhmmmmm.... i have raced around 10 laps on this and this is what I have to say.... Good: The asthetics are absolutely amazing by far the best...
haha thanks, weve been waiting for over half a year
haha the last picture lol..... this is interesting it's not what I would call a "normal" racetrack as this is only an oval type track with a...
aww this brings back the good memories of when I first got BlackHeart out..... lol I've raced this track with like 5 friends and I absolutly...
This is a good map for a first map but you need to make the whole thing double wide.... and cheatproof if you haven't already.... the turns that...
Yeah Kona showed this to me earlier today.... It was very well done and amazingly smooth as all your racetracks are. I love hills and in my track...
looks interesting.... the layout is different and it looks quite fun for a 4 player ffa becuase it will be alot of jump to the middle and throw...
wow.... this looks amazing... the geometry is superb and this is the first map i've seen on sandbox with an interesting floor that is angled and...
I'm going to be a racetrack nominator for this becuase racetracks deserve more attention... Surge by Oo Slik oO Power Plant by X Dream 76 X...
I've already seen a remake of this map which was in the sky bubble and made by borg something or other.... he's my friend and you should check it...
haha I loved the rocking roller coaster at Disney! it was like my favorite lol (although it was like 4 years ago...).... Anyways this looks like...
The looks pretty interesting.... very interesting layout I might add.... I know what you mean about the vehicles everyone wants to always use...