lol he's gunna have to be one good shot! Where was that taken? did you get outside the map on orbital?
looks like a good close quarters map, the only thing I see wrong is it looks like whoever has the high ground on either side is at a great...
seems like an interesting map, but by the looks of it, there is no protection or cover against the banshees or hornets, unless you have control of...
its a slayer gametype right? it should offer carbines as starting weapons. Do you think it has anything to do with it being on foundry?
wait, "they must use a carbine at all times"? are there other weapons on the map? EDIT: you can just change the gametype so that they start out...
yeah I don't see why people make such a big deal of interlocking. In my opinion, with a mix between short/med range and lots of hallways and...
hey dude you need at least one pic for each map -go to btw im downloading space conflict I love SWBF2
well there are some honor rules you have to follow but that shouldn't be a problem, i don't know why someone would download the map only to cheat...
you need to include at least one picture (not a link to a picture) go to, type in your gamertag, and copy and paste the BB...
yeah it needs to be BB code not a link
you need to upload at least one picture of your map on the thread and a brief description or else the thread will be deleted. 1) go in theater...
Looks really great, just two questions. 1) how long did it take you to make it? 2) did Bungie give you recon for it?
needlers? hmm most painball games ive played in have instant kill and plasma pistols for weapons. I persnally think plasma pistols are the closest...
how to the humans spawn out in the desert without getting killed??
easier method than photobucket: 1) go to 2) type in gamertag 3) click on pic you want 4) copy and paste code into thread (make...
looks okay but I think you should make a V2 with banked turns, its what really makes a good race map. Also you might put some scenery in for...
looks cool, I would dl but know I wont be able to round that many of my friends together =( Ive never played Deadspace but this reminds me of the...
to get a link to the file go to the file details on and copy and paste the url into the thread
looks decent, im downloading right now; have better review later.
wow those ships look really nice, good job.