dude love it.Ok 1 raeson the bases look amazing and creative.2 it isnt bad interlocking.3 I love the middle thing.The only complaint i have is the...
wow that wa fast i am a slow typer i guess
how do u make a blog
well not all some were sayin if you spam ill have to repor you -11 rep
yes i looked and it says under comments for it please dont spam or something but the plusses were good ones
unless the peeps that give it too me also did th infracions
wow your in a vote mccain woohoo yeah obamma suks
yeah i think the infractions gave me really bad rep its kinda sad really if im telling them about the map y does it matter how much sentences it...
wow im sorry but pisture 3 needs more interloCking.You also should have added some areas around it though i do like the laspic.The basa look good...
your kidding is that for real
you need to put images on.You shouldnt post unlessyou have images no 1 will dl.
yes all 4 wtf T_T
well yhay tells me y in the last day i rcieved 4 infractions 1 day new world rcord
ok great map.I love the train how it comes down and runs you over.The interlocking in picture 5 and 6 could have just been interlocked together...
sorry i was banned for the day and it was for spaming when i said i like the map its a bit open but nice interlocking 10000000000/5 how was that...
Now about half my freinds that are online play halo3 the other call of duty4 Now the ones that play halo say its better the ones that play call of...
wow i no people call me moserman think of it as mouz+er+man
i dont no y this got only 3 stars but ill give it a 4.5 cuz the area is like a huge hallway witch i lov maps like this also the sniper area looks...
um okay its an alright pic but love the caption 2.5/5
this is pretty good just a bit open but i like it with the base in pic one pic two looks interesting could you give a better pic of that still 5/5