i am thinking of changingmy vid to this check it out and tell me if i should YouTube - Jak's tommorow
oh sorry there was a misunderstanding i meat wat i said about it is suppossed to exprss your self when i said a little cheasy but i luv oo7 wen i...
well go ahead it is your profil and it is suppossed to exprss your self wow that sounded a little cheasy
i just put a vid of anime
i heard you can see his face on the rumored peter jaksons halo movie
did you add anything cuz i cant see it
you no you can go into the custimize part an change it
well i am 14 and i stay calm wen i lose and stuff and dont scream into the mic and i dont have a high pitched voice
wow are you seriouse tha is kinda well a knee slapper
wow that is kinda funny
its your video under my media
is it the same for the people tha have something like this on the bio also is it the same if it says free games tht reminds m one of my fiends was...
oh so u mean there is more songs than that oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
wat is the anime for your vid
oh sure did you no you can play all the songs at 1 time
Te metal verson of the Hokey Pokey. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKZZ7ed7vXY
yes i do man tat suksi am going to pos the hokey pokey
of course it is is it possible to get sheet music from there for the violin damn keyboard wont wrk ness i type slow but it works on youtube
dude i a listening to it now and i love the legend ofzelda espacially the older games
i see wat you meanton the pot but i put it in video section so y shoul it matter ps i justspaced out the last thing so i hope you can read it now