I really want to play that game right now.....
Haha funny....I always think that I'm going to miss the haystack when I jump....
Then just stay in the corners...I'm almost positive you can't get snuck up on if your in the corner.....Unless you suck very bad
Well then either your just bad or very very very unlucky
Re: Meet BUNGIENATOR!!!The Gigantic Robot...Do Not Feed him. (PICS) Ya know...like in his belly....where his brunch would go if he had any
Gernades + Shotgun=5 kill streak....which = 7+ kill streak = helicopter= Tons o kills!!!
Re: Meet BUNGIENATOR!!!The Gigantic Robot...Do Not Feed him. (PICS) mmmmmm Brunch....I havn't had brunch since I was like 7 and in a old people...
Did you write that knowing I would say it in a Borat accent
Haha I'm actually getting close to the end...I like trying to sneak up on people and stuff and throw knives at them....I like just watching the...
Re: Meet BUNGIENATOR!!!The Gigantic Robot...Do Not Feed him. (PICS) -Mommy Mommy!!! Can I get a Bungienator?! No Hunny -Shux....Why? Cause I...
Ha well thats different thats Halo...Thats only because I never took advantage of Halo 2's auto aim. Spartans have big heads....Soldiers don't....
The new IP for Ubisoft that kicks ass. I got this for Christmas and its been taking me away from Halo alot. I just can get over how beautiful the...
I hate sniping....Cause I'm so bad at it....I miss and then people sneak up on me and kill me....I think the best sniper is a M16 with an ACOG.
Lets just hope its not carcasonne (or however you spell it)...Ha
Well I like the Zune and I had the Zune sig so I thought that I would go with the Zune pic too I should write a book about that
Re: Scarab Assault - Features a Fully Detailed Scarab Looks amazing...Well done
Man there are so many things that I would like.....Some more destructible objects like the pallets would be cool...Some curved objects that would...
I = Professional Warthog Driver
I know right when you hear it...it hits you and you realize that you are being controlled and it just makes sense. I love it I heard that if you...
Im thinking that they didn't do lockout so that you'd be enticed into buying a Map Pack....I bet the next Pack has like 5 maps for 20$ I wish...