Ok I did this at a friends house and thought it would be a good time to test out my new editing software so I made this.... Ok maybe you guys...
I wish that the enemy couldn't see you even if your around the corner or hiding in a bush....They always know where you are which is a pain in the...
Plus if there really was...and this isn't just a rumor than there must be a video. I mean come on with saved films you can film it then put it on...
I don't think bioshock counts....It's more of a shooter in a big building that happens to be under water. Plus they had to give a game that not...
I don't know but you must be crazy to think the wii is going to stop selling. The only way that the wii is going to stop selling is when everyone...
I like the challenges that they have. It kinda changes it up from what you would normally do to win and do well so it really changes your strategy...
That is sick.....Very sick...very original
I'm pretty sure my ears are bleeding. I didn't watch it cause the music sounds like ****...
that would blow...major....I used to use the nade launcher but its just stupid now....So much better stuff!
Ha I watched it...That was very funny! Bubble Shield!!!! No scope! Meele! Meele!Triplekill! F***ing Spawn Sniper! Killtacular!!!
This is nothing what some kid did at my school for a talent show...He basically wrote the words all over body...He was wearing a cut up wrestling...
Vision cam Water effect FTW!! It looks so cool
O well if you look at it that way then yeah your right....I guess thats kinda what MLG did...Took away duel wieldable weapons gave everyone...
I still don't understand I why people think that some perks and weapon combos in games are noob just because they get kills. Juggernaut for...
Add a death barrier and I'm good....Although half of your suggestions will never happen at least your trying....
I can see the xbox and wii but I can't find the PS3...I was looking for a trash can but I didn't see any....
When I saw that I first like WTF but then it was just wicked funny
I remember seeing this on MLG. Goldeneye was my favorite N64 game and I would play it so much....!
Well please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the idea. Kinda like the idea with Hobo heights
I had one problem...That box on the far right...you were able to jump out of it and land where the zombies are...That was my only problem though