Got it yesterday but I haven't had much time to play it. I have been really busy for some reason these past months. I think GTA will take me...
I liked it....But when I played it I was like 8 or something so I didn't really know what was going on. Don't really remember much except for the...
Holy Crap is the epilouge addicting....I tried so many techniques with just skipping the guy in the bathroom...pick up a shotgun or...
Name: Scardypoopoo's H3 Montage URL: Link Video/Thread Description: Uh my first Halo 3 Montage with some cool clips and nice quality.... Why: Its...
Yeah great song... I use Sony Vegas 8 Platinum Edition...There are some things that I dont like about it like how Vegas 7 you could do the Sin...
wait do you mean disable to scope for snipes? I don't do that. I don't like it when people remove the hud and the reticule. I like to see how...
More like a Minitage actually. I made this to again test out my editing program which I just got and as a quality test. I'm working on getting the...
Mine broke and but I didn't get the 3ROD so I tried to induce it and spit in it and then it started working....Only for like a week though...thats...
Hey thanks for the positive feedback. I spent the most time I've spent on a map with this one. It took me a while to get the hill right. I tried a...
Did I not call that the valentines day tourny winners would get r3c0n! Man I'm good...Yessir :squirrel_chatting:
downloaded I really can't get a full sense of the map from the pictures...I'm going to have to take a look at it later or now maybe but I just...
Hill of Sighs Created by Scardypoopoo [br] -Supported Gametypes:Slayer, Team Slayer, Multi-flag, Assualt, Territories, One Flag, One Bomb, Neutral...
I have like 3 more levels to do on veteran, the before the last level.
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? BR is the best weapon...Team Hardcore is the best and more people should play it. Although I wish they...
It wasn't a was just the auto-aim and how overly effective it was. Halo 3 has less auto-aiming so it is harder to sweep snipe or...
Please don't keep bumping this thread. Spamming is not going to help. EDIT by Furious: True dat! Issue resolved, so locked.
Ok im going to bet you right now that the winner of the that valentines tourny thing is gonna get recon....That would be logical as they did say...
DigitalPh33r got recon for his arby and the chief thing. The cone guy because it made bungie laugh (a second cone is not going to make them laugh...
pshh...Veterans easy...Ok so its not easy but its not like extremely hard or anything...Probably like the same as legendary halo or around there....
That was hailarious....Kinda reminds me of the chocolate milk thing....Only theyre 2 totally different things so...never mind. Hailarious...