Wouldn't it take less time to erase your spelling mistake than to type out another sentence?
rofl, owned.
Did no one else notice the last picture? I mean, wtf? He's holding the flag pole and the flag is behind him! O.o
Questions left unanswered by the pictures: 1. Where does the teleporter in the 5th picture go? 2. Why is there a huge ass gap in the 8th...
Wow, this map gives me mass nostalgia from the H2 campaign levels Armory and Cairo Station. Seriously, from the description I bet its at the top...
Hobo Heights?
Dude, I'm calling it, feature. Especially since Lube can just feature it himself, lol. This is like the fastest a map has ever reached 5 pages....
Dude, castalanche in your sig looks really nice! seriously! It's like a mass of bridges all morphed together! And is that a hornet? being blown up...
Oh yes! Goofball stadiums on Avalanche are very rare!
no it wouldn't be copying, unless it is strikingly similiar, but go for it.
Well, there are a few things that could have done this. Were you on Xbox Live forging? Or were you on local? If you were you Live, was there...
care to elab?......o.........rate?
Thanks, even though i didn't know i was unbanned for like 4 days, lol. So is this unban permanent? And did anything cool happen while i was gone?
Nice name. Welcome to ForgeHub, ForgeNub.
can i have an infraction plox? I haven't had one in forever... Wait, what's that? you don't give out infractions for no reasion? Well, how about...
i like the main water line, and this definitely looks good for FFA, maybe even Black cat magic!!??!?! also, is it possible to get on the line?...
umm......ya.....i did.....
zomg, i just got you to 8 bars!!! :D
could you possibly provide me information on where to send it or what number to call, and such? I don't have any idea what to do, help would be...
Ok, well this is what happened. in the middle of a game of halo 3, my tv screen got all fuzzy. So I shut off my 360 and turned it back on. It...