Good job blah blah blah now come help me with my ****ing spawns, AZN! On like 3 of my maps: High ground, last resort, and ghost town! You...
Lol, yeah that was sarcasm. Sorry bout that. ;)
Yeah nice try, but i just checked out the download number on bungie, and guess what it was? 0. There is no way you could have played it unless you...
Yeah seriously theyll be out in like week or so anyway..
Panda, stfu. Being a girl forger, ooh, big ****ing deal. You can't forge as well because your body is different? Whaa, someone said my map isnt...
Omgz i just tootalee got 1st. Roflz EDIT: ****. Btw, grammar error at last sentence of first paragraph. Lulz : D
Guys, i think four posts of the exact same thing should be more than enough.
What? That makes no sense. Leoparddude was saying noone should even try to play 8-16 people. And you are saying you know that, ("that" being 8-16)...
Um wtf you cant have a sentinel beam as starting weapon... And you cant choose what grenades you start with.. So did you just make that...
Ok, if you have to include "forging?" in the checklist of features for your map, that's probably a good indicator your map is not going to be good...
Wow, i cant believe no one mentioned that shotguns are not usually allowed in MLG. Also in your first pic it shows rockets on the bridge in the...
this reminds me.. Does anyone still have timesplitters 2 for ps2 or xbox? I am really, really interested in remaking one of the multiplayer levels...
yo dawg i heard you like hot p0tat0 so we put hot potaoes in yur oddballz so yuo can play oddball while you hot potato
Yeah this happens to everybody now and then. Nothing you can do to really prevent it besides making sure you forge alone or if you absolutely have...
What's preventing the humans from just staying in their starting spawn? I know there's a gate at 60 seconds, but couldn't they just camp in there...
im dling this now, this is ****ing amazing, seriously, i love it. nice.
Hell yeah! nothing better than shottys, swords, 3 shield doors, and innumerable teleporters!!!
Halo 2 Terminal had them too, "TeXn".
I just realized i haven't posted on this yet, and i just wanna say it is one of the best avalanche asymmetrical maps yet, up there with coldfront....
yeah, how is this a guide? All you did was basically describe a few weapon sets(as if we couldn't tell which weapons belong to which race)....