You misunderstand. Personally I think your map's smoothness is your orignal post, you said there's not enough interlocking. I was...
Again, if you know you didn't do enough interlocking, why would you post it? Lackluster, i would say. Can we get an overview please? I hate only...
If you know theres already too many power weapons, why wouldn't you fix it? Why even post it?
I reccommend going to the halo forge discussion forum and reading the thread called "jesus got enough br's?" or something similar. It brings up...
O hai. :D
Idiot. If the pictures don't work, then at least read the damn text. So obvious you didn't read the post, all the ideas you gave are in the map....
Moar proof: YouTube - Himeji Episode 1 created by Halorgy Films
Looks good from what i can see, but i can't really see the map because of that thing in the way in the last picture. What is that called again?...
Why? Why in the skybubble? Did you just feel like taking away the most important elements of the original? did you want people to get out of the...
What is that thing in the first picture? I can't see the map..
^^You can't have 250% speed..
Yes, BuddhaCrane (author of Distortion ø) has made a rather famous puzzle map on Foundry entitled Hell on Earth. I believe it was made sometime in...
Lolwut? Thanks for informing us.
No, Titmar, you need barrels AND way more propane tanks. Propane tanks determine skill of a mapmaker, so more propane tanks=more skill. Also,...
What is Dandbox?
Seriously? You obviously took a cursory glance and decided there was no interlocking. oh, and by the way, shut up about Brett Favre. that...
^^you can't have 125 gravity.
Yeah, this looks extremely sloppy, but in a good way. Only downside is it looks escapable. But its soooo nice to see someone using these areas...
Even if there was 500 spawn points, on a tiny square like this its not going to matter. Yeah, just build the walls up higher.