YES! There we go. Much much better than your V1. Now that I don't have any fuglyness to distract me, it actually looks playable now. I like the...
Wow. This map is really sloppy, you could have easily taken more time to interlock, because you obviously know how, and use double walls as strait...
This is an absolutely beautiful track, and one of the only ones I've seen with a completely unique feel and look. Can't wait to try it out. PS....
It has a very unique layout and I love the structures, but it just looks to open in the middle, even if you have vehicles. And the bridges have...
No, I don't plan on posting it, I was just going to get rid of all of the non-MLG weapons maybe replace the oversheild with a CP, maybe just get...
I rarely download any maps I see on any site, especially for any kind of competitive game play, but, you sir, have made something special. Looks...
Yeah, I was planning on putting in some more cover on the bridges for a V2. Keep in mind, though, that the map is supposed to be crowded. Its...
MLG Tempest V1 Download About the map: This map is basically a solution to all of the problems I’ve had with all of the MLG maps built out of...