There are some very imaginative spaces in this map, I especially like what you've done with it aesthetically (the pillars are very well done). You...
Thanks, and that's exactly what I'm going for; something a little out of the ordinary and a little more unique. I'm hoping to really influence...
Yeah, the map is open by design as I molded it around Classic Slayer settings (no DMR starts). As for more ways into each base, I have three (or...
Thank you haha I'm glad it's turning out like it is, and I'm sticking with the Covie weapon set. The poor lil Focus Rifle never gets any love in...
-Overview and goals- Oracle is my latest Team Slayer/Team Objective map. It was built to be a more-casual map with aesthetics inspired by (but...
I like the map enough, it's simple and straightforward, and not overly-flashy. Almost reminds me of something I could play in H3's rumble pit....
No problem. Some of the boys from RP and I play this together, and we usually manage a +12 lobby. I never said that the no regen was the...
Not to sound conceited or anything, but so do I. The map could look worlds greater and it wouldn't take all that much to do it. The author...
It's not my map. I'm not going to go through and tweak every aspect of it out of respect to the author. All I did was go in and make it so it was...
It's based on Counter Strike's Demolition (de) gametype haha I never did play SnD on CoD, I was more of a fan of the War gametype and Big Team...
Author: FuN Fortress Map Name: District 3.0 Map Canvas: Forge World Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Demolition...
Your grammar is off. That sentence (which for one, I disagree with) should read, "Godly Perfection, aka Azn_FTW, is the definition of an online...
I have to agree with others that the map was surprisingly-balanced despite the amount of vehicles on it. It's weird that there's a map with...
Wow, I'm flattered hahaha, thank you very much good sir. If I may ask, are you by any chance Mr. Saddo? If so, I have to say that you're a pretty...
Hello, everybody! 'Been a while since I've posted anything anywhere, but since yesterday (or maybe the day before) I've made my rounds and posted...
Haven't seen it in action, but it looks like a bunch of bridges connecting a few buildings for the most part. It looks very narrow in some...
I figured with the space I had in the canyon, it would be way too hard to physically fit the cliffs in and include the rest of the map as well, so...
Wow, I feel honored to get a review like that. Really, thanks a lot. My main concern with maps like Hemorrhage had to be the sheer size of them,...
Yeah haha those were fixed right quick, it became my first priority when I found out about it. Turns out, it wasn't a kill zone at all, my safe...
Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen maps that try to span a bridge from one place to another, and more-often-than-not it has been in the type of...