works better with armor lock
if you open your xbox you will see that there is very little space in between components so there is bad air flow, meaning it overheats very fast...
I realy liked the editing in the intro
the elite load outs are better imo because i can do a barel roll
i dont hate it i hate my team
i passed out in math. hooray!!!
oh that thing i knew what it was just dident know what it was called
what do you mean by butterfly
matchmaking is broken at the moment
the beta will come out as soon as you forget about it and do something else
extra 70 for a statue and in game items they are locking from us ghey!
not realy
yesterday, I got a triple collateral with a reg scope intervention. I was planning to get my capture card tomorrow. FML killstreak is 3 4 5...
from the website you linked i think i found there are different abilities like sprint, jet pack, invisability, unsplaterable but thats just what...
who are you hopping will win the war and get the extra weapon solider Vs. demo man if you have no idea what i am talking about go here: Team...
so this is what keeps getting me to play 18 player ffa on rust i hate this because everyone is behind the spawns so i cant do any thing i hope...
it dident help make more team work it just made more anoying people who wont stfu
the santa hat should be on the spartin