sure you are any way I also nodiced that we can lower guns again and the new hornet type thing looks awsome
bungie day is here :) : Bungie Day "Deja View" : 7/6/2010 7:23 PM PDT
why is it nine gigs? that seems way too much for six minutes of video
the way most people use them it is game breaking
nope there is almost no consequence for having infections now
one of the main reasons i prefer pc
they have about 10 people, or at least they did last time i checked
You say that IW does not care but to tell you the truth its Activisions fault and almost no one works at IW anymore
a lot of other people have bad internet and more xbox games have very little server interaction creating lagy games
I added you i am not buying a lot of games now because i have to save up for new parts
i have steam i mainly play tf2, what games do you have? my steam name is alienman911
the story is also kind of important
no graphic card will be integrated which kind of **** you should still be able to run tho
for online yes the limit is 10 and no one with a brain would host a modded lobby in a public game because there jtag will get banned faster and...
how did the moose run away for 1 MILE if you were Canadian
you probably will be able too give us specs so we get a better idea
the beging was good but later on the song got very slow
that is kind of a waist of a kv
could be that you need to recover the account or it could be that you said you were in the states but actually in Canada EDIT: a US account can...
it is the exact same but a little faster imo