Thanks. I edited the first post to offer a little more backstory on it, but it has a little plot spoiler, so reader beware. Off-topic: Its also...
[IMG] I am reading "2001: A Space Odyessey" in one of my classes, and we were also shown some movie clips of it. *SPOILERS!* The monolith is...
Okay. Well, I am making a second version on Sandobx, so that will be better than this one. Nice rant, by the way.
Awesome idea! I have been looking for some good Sandbox variants, and lo and behold, here they are! I have some variants I am working on, so maybe...
Well, due to the overwhelming negativity toward this, I am going to try and make a second version and make it on Sandbox. I will probably take...
Huh. Well, I could go take another screenshot of some action on it, but I don't think it would make a big difference. :/ Today I shall start V.2!...
That would be cool. You could put it in the crypt. You could simply block off some of the map to make it a little smaller. You could also make a...
Nice job. As said before, you should try some interlocking, but it looks good without it. You could definitely make a real map out of that. Maybe...
I know how to interlock and have done so on many maps I have made. I also used it on this one. In the walkway and the corner maze portion. As for...
This is an aesthetic map, mostly, but it can be used in Team Slayer. Comes complete with: -two see-saws -a slide -a maze -a little hill to climb...
I know how I could actually do that! It will take some time, but that could be done!
Well, considering the problem is that the brake line is broken (again) is why it is not easy to fix... Congrats on getting your license, by the...
Dang. Good thing nothing happened! Well, hopefully everything will "even" out in my life. Other than the aforementioned stuff, nothing else has...
Man, this bites. First, my mother was giving my a ride to the bus (I have not yet gotten my license) On the way there, the brakes go out. Our...
Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope everything else will go well for you!
This is what is wrong with the world today. We have stupid kids running around having other kids, and then they will eventually grow up and have...
I am considering a version two. Maybe put the Taco on a pedestal and make a big shrine to it. If I do it on Sandbox, when it comes out, I can make...
I'll probably do this as well. I sometimes just put some stuff in the map, then see what I can build around it.
Thanks. Based on all of these ideas, I will probably make a V2 of this and make it a little more in depth.
I downloaded this and it is truly and amazing work of art. I don't know how well it works for playing on, but it looks great, nonetheless. I'd...