This map looks good and shows some promise. To me though it seems kinda I don't know plain. The bases look good and the astetics are also good...
This was made by me I am sure someone has done it but here it is [IMG] I call it the CLAW!
I nominate Dunscape as well as Lotus
Question is it supposed to be MLG? If so then good job. The map is simple looking but gets more complex when you actually look at it. Basic design...
This is Great! I love the way it looks. It is simply a fantastic idea that, I don't recall, has ever been used. One question what are the needlers...
Although I suck at MLG I really like all the skill and effort that is put into the maps. This one imparticular is very clean and original (for...
(Go to the bottom for Changes) The Story Okay the story for this map is not very original. A group of archeologists came to this desert looking...
Sorry I didn't know, scratch that then.
Who is your avatar. I also want large version
Theme: Bioshock Stock: Effects: Just make it awsome looking! Color: A blue (light or dark)...
How do you get to the rocket? Anyway the map is a nice size and the weapon placement draws no concern. I agree with MR P1B you should make rails...
Theme: Bioshock Stock: Effects: Just make it awsome looking! Color: A blue (light or...
Personally this map has waayyy to many power wepones. If one team got them all the other team wouldn't stand a chance. I like the way you did the...
The astetics of this map are super fantasticle. Yes I know thats not a word. As the name says this does look like a sweet map for swat. I don't...
This is a great idea that correct me if I am mistakenbut I beleive this has not been done before? I have always like the original game of Duck...
Um I think the pics are to big because you have to scroll back and forth just to see one. Anyway to the map, there is a lot of cover for you but,...
My favorite part of this map is the grav hammer spawn. It's clean and could be a real focal point during gameplay. Kinda like the grav spawn in...
This map has potential. I have always like colosseum maps. I have never played teams in one though? That excites me because it is more of a...
Umm... Could you at least explain your map and have more pics? Because from what I can see is that you added a turret, customs, and teles. Thats...
Thank you for listening to the ideas in the first thread. Everyone had great ideas and now that its four player it should be even more fun....