Thank you. Oh and I already have on of my maps posted, "UNSC Razorback" in the casual maps section.
What is the ideal size for a sig picture?
Hello my name is fireskull, I live in Sacramento, California and I have been trying to find a good forge group. I specialize in ship maps, and...
I'm planning to do that in my next map set. My map pack including this will be up soon.
This is much better than so many ones I've seen lately. I absolutely hate cops and robbers with a passion....but you have my download :)
Can't :( nothing left to say that wouldn't obviously be a bump.
I have two more maps in a map pack coming, one of them will work for infection.
I like the lookk of these very much. I'm going to download the sandbox one to use in my group's gamenight.
It's a great map, well forged, and a great remake. The gameplay flows very well, 5/5.
This seems to be one of the better remakes of halo, I downloaded it. I like how at the end you don't just finish, there's a challenge. I also like...
Show me what you put, un-linked obviously.
You have to embed screenshots to it. One sec I'll find a link. Look at the sticky on top that you have to read before you post. Read this and...
I have never seen a bowling map with a return system. Very nicely done all around, I give it a 9.5/10 This is also nicely aesthetic, unlike some...
Ok screenshots are now embedded and the gametype link fixed. The ship has been tweaked to prevent hangar camping.
Ok I'll do that now then. Thanks.
Easy enough. Done.
Looks better than most maps like this. Downloaded. I'll use them in my group's gamenight tomorrow.
What exactly do you mean? Sorry I'm a little lost as to how I embed them :( Hey fatality!
This is my UNSC Razorback, accompanied by the ship Jacob's Brick. Each ship has 2 floors and a hangar, as well as multiple chokepoints and...