I read them, i'm sorry if I sound abit harsh, but not one of them mentioned blending, maybe I should look for blending tuts?
I personally looked at 12 tutorials before making this, thank you though
This is my newest Signature that I like to call my best. I spent half an hour on it and let me know what you think. [IMG]
Yea, I got a small pic, couldn't fing a bigger one, and i couldn't get the pic better, it sux
What do you guys think of my new avatar [IMG]
I completely agree with squid, I don't believe that everything has to be interlocked, where to the point that the game lags up completely, I only...
Thanks guys! The Spartan one was my best work ever, and the Chao one is my best old school, from like early 07, one.
I made some more sigs, and some of my older stuff is psted here as well New stuff, [spoiler] These are from when I was Final_Battle [spoiler]...
This looks nice, I would call it Bimetallic or something like that
Thank you for the constructive and positive post. I kind of lied as this is not my first signature, but me merely getting back into it from 2...
[IMG] I made this while waiting for Mace to get my real sig done, CnC please. This is only temporary, but depending on the feedback, I may keep...
I once wasplaying squad battle on Standoff heavy, I was in a warthog with 2 teammates, I was driving. Someone splazerd us and whatever right, I...
I find myself using my magnum mostly, i am okay with my AR, and okay with the BR, I just can't aim for the head, i always miss. But for some...
Yes, there will be the forge we know and love on disc 2, you can forge on all of the maps plus the new DLC. Disc 1: Campaign and firefight Disc...
Wow, that is all you have to say is wow, your interlocking is superb, that door looks awesome, wow. as of right now, 4/5, i am goin to play...
One thing that I would like to point out is that maybe the Mayans just decided to end it, not because they predicted the world to end, and decided...
This map looks okay, looks like it could use some interlocking and I don't know about gameplay, maybe some one bomb or something, I don't know....
Looks nice. one thing I would point out is, the 2nd pic. The 3 Ramps look like there would be a little of a bump. maybe a thing for v2 the third...
It looks pretty good, three things. 1.Like what everyone else said, more cover. 2. Invis room, I can see lots of camping going on in that room....
I don't know, maybe like put a killball at the end of a passage way, put a rocket launcer in its depths, and make it so you can only have a bubble...