Def not. Its like everything in life. The more you practice the better you get.
Wow nicee. Looks like a lot of work, hopefully it helps some newer people.
Nice work, I like the second a lot. How long have you been involved with graphics?
GTFO kid if you have nothing intelligent to say.
I give you mini-tut now lol. Find a good stock, render it with the pen tool. Make a multi color gradient in the bg and smudge it too death. Then...
Definitely do not give it up completely, if you need a break, take it. But don't give it up if you love it. Just tell yourself your good and just...
Oh thats fine. The sig was completely experimental for me it was all random lol.
get on halo?
Here you go DLMG tut by ~Laxerr on deviantART Post your outcomes Edit: Prefix changed - TexturedSun
Alright guys thanks, And i'll get a tut up asap.
Arial, Geo Sans Light, Walkway, Juice Light
[IMG] I like it a lot.
Thanks, and that part in the upper left is the background because I distorted it a bunch. But yea Ill fix it.
Thanks a lot for the reply
Edit: nvm ^
[IMG] ye kinda girly lol
Agreed, way to out of control will everything.
Yeah dont sillouette them and dont make the black brushes so big. Because they distract from the focal. Make them small and around the focals like...
You've gotten much better, I also think I made my first in feb 09.
I cropped it a few times and I didn't really like the outcome. I thought it looked better this way.