The heads in the back are very lq and I don't know why there is black **** all around them.
Personally I don't like red but thats completely just me. For the layout I would move the white box up a tad and make the "Monticola" stuff...
No lol I was kidding.. But seriously I think it doesn't really matter and its not that big of an issue. Its great what he was saying and trying...
AMEN exactly what I think.
Noi flr
I did, but I gave it to him.
But thats my sig lol.
Yo ill help you Im like a 41, I play with a neg exp booster too, so you'll go up fastt. Hit me up on xbl: L A X R
Also if you have a certain stock in mind, send me it. Because I'm having trouble finding a good one, Believe it or not lol.
Hey this looks amazing. Very clean looking. If your adding to it. Feel free to add my new one (in my sig now vvvvv.) If this is the final don't...
alright I'll probably have it done by the end of today.
Get Bahhk *****
Yeah sure, give me the details.
Thanks guys, I think the fixed the blurry ar issue. But for some reason it gets oversharpened easily. Its in my sig. vvv
Right click the actual sig from the shop. (The one that you requested) Go to "Copy image location" or something like that. Then paste it into...
Thanks, glad you like it :D
Last one ;) [IMG]
Wow looks great. My da: Laxerr on deviantART
Couldn't you just do a black and white gradient map but make it backwards? I'm not sure though. EDIT: yeah ^ [IMG]
Def v1, nice work though.