Wow lots of cover, multi-tiered, great weapon placement as far as i can see this seems to be a pretty good forge for your first map. I don't think...
What is the game type like. looks pretty good for a constuct forge, I haven't seen one of those lately it's good to see it hasn't been forgotten....
Wow, I can't imagine this being you first race map. It's a really fast lap, my favorite part is the spiral, if you made that bigger that would...
I love this map! Me and my freinds played it for hours the fact that it supports so many gametype and it's still fun makes evan better. A really...
What would be cool is if you put raised scafolding arround it like had just been built or it was under constuction. Also, where does that...
In my opion there are to many puzzle maps with the "saw" in the name and most of them have nothing to do saw and the challenges a usely not even...
Don't you think that showing people how to do it would kind of ruin the puzzle aspect. You need at least a few picture, the music on that video...
Are the sides just flat enough to climb because that would make the gameplay fairly interesting. This map seems very open though.
you could use a little more pictures for this map
holy crap this seems big for 1v1
I think this would be a pretty goo team swat map. This is an above average map nice job!
What the heck. This map is base on a modern warfare map. This map is also very glitchy (it lags and the blocks flash a lot) especially with more...
This map looks awesome, its very interesting in the middle. You could merge a little to make it neater though. You could use more pictures.
It would have would have been better to post the picture and explain than make it into a slide show. If you are going to have a video it should...
I could use a little more cover. you also need a short description --- What is the game type!?
So you don't start with unlimited ammo? Also I don't think the rocket or the sniper gives you an advantage because the BR is more versatile and a...
nice pattern you made with the wood --- Mlg isn't that great gametype to work with. You should expand the gametype playability. The merging is...
Looks like a nice map, but I think that one picture is enough sum up this map. The simplisty seems fitting. You could add more cover though.
for the actual swat game type the weapons on map option is disabled so the roctet and the sniper wouldn't show up on the map at all. I don't know...
read the rule, you need at least a few picture and a detailed description